speedtest cli timeout
speedtest cli timeout

Iranthecommandspeedtest-cli--timeout60andthebestresultIcouldgetis:ASYOUCANSEE(ASIGNIFICANTDROPINSPEED)Everythingelse,equipment, ...,Itlooksasthoughthespeedtest-cliisnolongercompatiblewithUbuntu20.04whereitisnowpython3.Ididinstalltheonefromspeedte...


--timeout,HTTPtimeoutinseconds.Default10.--secure,UseHTTPSinsteadofHTTPwhencommunicatingwithspeedtest.netoperatedservers.--no-pre ...

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Problem with internet speed checking with speedtest -

I ran the command speedtest-cli --timeout 60 and the best result I could get is: AS YOU CAN SEE (A SIGNIFICANT DROP IN SPEED) Everything else, equipment, ...

command line - Problem with speedtest-cli

It looks as though the speedtest-cli is no longer compatible with Ubuntu 20.04 where it is now python3. I did install the one from speedtest.net/apps/cli and ...


--timeout <TIMEOUT>, HTTP timeout in seconds. Default 10. --secure, Use HTTPS instead of HTTP when communicating with speedtest.net operated servers. --no-pre ...


A free, fast and simple tool that allows users to check their current Internet download and upload speed with latency in its clean, ad-free interface.

Speedtest-cli output to file

speedtest-cli --timeout 30. I actually thought that suggestion had cracked it, increased --timeout to 30 seconds, success then a few failures.

Ookla speedtest issues - Off-Topic

The official ookla version comes from Speedtest CLI: Internet speed test for the command line. They have different command line options, just to confuse things!

sivelspeedtest-cli: Command line interface for testing ...

... timeout TIMEOUT HTTP timeout in seconds. Default 10 --secure Use HTTPS instead of HTTP when communicating with speedtest.net operated servers --no-pre ...

speed tests are timing out · Issue #31 · librespeedspeedtest

I found that due to some race condition, it stuck at collecting ping results job. with below changes I found it always working.

speedtest-cli very slow although network speed is fine

I'm encountering a strange problem here. On my local homeserver(Debian 9.9), speedtest-cli and it's python pendant are freaking slow.

Internet speed test for the command line

Internet connection measurement for developers. Speedtest CLI brings the trusted technology and global server network behind Speedtest to the command line.


Iranthecommandspeedtest-cli--timeout60andthebestresultIcouldgetis:ASYOUCANSEE(ASIGNIFICANTDROPINSPEED)Everythingelse,equipment, ...,Itlooksasthoughthespeedtest-cliisnolongercompatiblewithUbuntu20.04whereitisnowpython3.Ididinstalltheonefromspeedtest.net/apps/cliand ...,--timeout,HTTPtimeoutinseconds.Default10.--secure,UseHTTPSinsteadofHTTPwhencommunicatingwithspeedtest.netoperate...